
ownership slider

Resist It

Demonstrated by a lack of ownership of individual or team tasks and/or by actively avoiding ownership when asked or expected. Also demonstrated by deflecting ownership on to others. Individuals operating at this level are likely also disengaged and further investigation is required.

Comply With It

Demonstrated by reluctantly complying with instructions to own a task when asked or required to do so. Individuals operating at this level will take on ownership of a task when asked to do so but will often take their eye off the ball with tasks not reaching successful completion unless steered by others. Complying individuals will also rarely seek opportunities to take ownership of activities or tasks which are otherwise unowned.

Own It

Demonstrated by owning a task in its entirety when asked or required to do so. Individuals operating at this level will often reliably take on ownership and drive associated activities through to successful completion but are less likely to seek out opportunities independently for ownership.

Seek It

Demonstrated not only by owning tasks in their entirety but also by proactively seeking opportunities to take on ownership and create ownership opportunities for others. Individuals operating at this level will often identify an activity or task that doesn’t have a clear owner, take it on and drive it through to a successful completion.
