
obstacles slider

Give Up

Demonstrated by quickly becoming defeated by challenges and obstacles. Individuals who get defeated by obstacles tend to fall at the first hurdle, avoid asking for help and give up on what they were trying to or were asked to achieve.

Escalate It

Demonstrated by quickly escalating blockers and obstacles that are getting in the way of a successful outcome without first trying to remove the obstacles themselves. Individuals who escalate obstacles tend to lack persistence and seek help from others to reach a successful outcome.

Nagivate It

Demonstrated by finding ways to get around blockers and obstacles. Individuals who go around obstacles find a path to a successful outcome but likely make compromises along the way.

Remove It

Demonstrated by proactively seeking to remove blockers and obstacles in whatever way possible to reach the originally intended successful outcome. Individuals who remove obstacles are persistent and resilient and understand that reaching a successful outcome requires the ability to influence; the creativity to find ways to bring non-supporters on board; the tenacity to keep going when progress is slow; and the effort to see a task or change through to completion.
